Knowledge is power and educating yourself on how to develop safe and effective programs for kids can drastically improve your business success. 

More than 50 million US children play sports. The Sports & Fitness Industry Association estimated that more than 70 percent of US children play team on individual sports per year. Serious participation is approximately 40 percent. The most popular organized sports include basketball, baseball and softball, soccer, golf, gymnastics, volleyball, swimming, ice hockey, track and field, and lacrosse. Participation is slightly higher in boys than girls. Athletes playing each of these sports will benefit from a youth fitness trainer.

 Youth sport is a $15 billion industry, which exceeds the income of professional sports and sports media. Participation increased with family income— reaching 68 percent in households making more than $100,000. These families are highly motivated to help their children succeed and are an important source of income for the well-prepared youth trainer.

 Youth sports coaches are woefully untrained. Only 32 percent are competent in general safety and injury prevention; 31 percent in sports skills and tactics; 30 percent in concussion management; 30 percent in sports psychology and motivational techniques, 29 percent in CPR and basic first aid; and 28 percent in physical conditioning.  Pursuing a credential in specializing with training youths will give you a solid foundation in pediatric anatomy and physiology, basic metabolism, motor learning and motor development, youth training methods, program design, physical fitness testing methods, injury prevention and treatment, sports nutrition, supplements and drugs, sports psychology, and youth fitness business methods.

 Nearly 20 percent of children engage in no sports or physical activity during the year. These kids are susceptible to poor metabolic health, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and premature death. The Sports & Fitness Industry Association suggests that youth trainers can increase participation by asking kids what they want; encouraging free play; encouraging participation in a variety of activity; strengthening local sports opportunities; taking small steps; concentrate on development; improve training; and emphasize injury prevention. The knowledge to properly train kids will give you the tools to become a leader in your community.

 Americans are obsessed with weight loss, but few people successfully lose weight and keep it off. Fourteen to 22 percent of Americans kids 2 to 20 years are obese. Exercise, using techniques learned specific to kids, provides an effective way to help kids lose fat and control body weight. Applying weight control techniques in kids can increase your income.

Champion-level motor performance involves developing precise neural pathways that are reinforced with focused practice. Strength and power training only improves performance when it is integrated into sports skills. Educating yourself on the importance of summating forces during movement, building strength with the hip hinge, using the core as a spring, training movements rather than individual muscle groups, and using training techniques that prevent injury and “do no harm.” to develop safe and effective programs for kids will make you stand out from the crowd.