Applying for financial aid can be confusing, especially when it comes to understanding the terminology. Before you accept any financial aid, you should know what an award letter is and why it’s important. An award letter is an official document that states the type of financial aid and how much money you will receive from Lionel University. Read on to learn more about award letters and why they’re so important.
What Does an Award Letter Include?
An award letter typically includes information about your estimated cost of attendance (COA) as well as a breakdown of all the types of financial aid you’ll receive for the academic year. At Lionel University this could include federal grants and student loans. The COA typically includes tuition and fees, room and meals, transportation costs, and personal expenses.
Your award letter will also include information about the terms of any loans you may have accepted. It’s important to review this information carefully before accepting your award letter so that you understand all the requirements associated with these types of funding sources.
Why Do I Need an Award Letter?
The main reason why you need an award letter is to make sure that all your financial aid is accounted for and applied correctly each quarter before classes begin. Without an official award letter from Lionel University, there might be a discrepancy between what was applied to your tuition bill versus what was actually awarded to you, such as grants and loans. An award letter ensures that everything adds up properly before classes start so there are no surprises down the line when it comes time to pay off your tuition bill!
A college award letter is essential for understanding exactly how much financial aid you have been awarded for the academic year and any other related information such as loan repayment terms. Knowing this information ahead of time allows students to budget accordingly throughout their college career without having to worry about unexpected costs at any point during enrollment!
And, with the help of financial aid, earning your exercise science degree is even more of a possibility. All of this means you can be learning from the best right away. And, in as little as six months, you can be a top personal trainer with the information you learn. It’s the best way to kick-start your dream personal training career.
There are so many fitness job opportunities that you’ll be able to explore once you have a degree in exercise science. This is the case for all of our degree programs. In fact, earning an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree, will all put you in demand for jobs. Regardless of which degree you are pursuing, at Lionel, you earn multiple certifications and specializations along the way. This means you can start working as a fitness and nutrition professional even before graduation day! And, with the help of financial aid, earning your exercise science degree or master trainer certification is even more of a possibility.
Check out our programs and contact Lionel today!