Speed is commonly said to be the product of stride rate x stride length. Running stride rate is the number of strides taken in a given amount of time or distance, while stride length is the distance c
The goal of online group learning is to build an environment for the online student that emphasizes collaboration and team-building rather than competition; a valuable asset in today’s workplace. Thes
While most people agree that healthy eating and regular exercise is important, it seems some people still aren’t convinced why you should be physically active. In short, regular physical activity is i
The burn what you eat philosophy on weight maintenance and weight loss is surprisingly accurate. It should guide decisions around your calorie intake count and energy expenditure amount for the day. I
It’s common to overlook professionalism in personal training for several reasons. The first is that there are no government regulations that dictate ethics and code of conduct. Similarly, a fitness tr
You’re motivated because you just signed up for a personal training program, but how do you know if they’re following best practices in safe personal training? With the motivation to get healthy and w
The benefits of walking vs. driving extend far beyond getting your daily steps in. When you chose to walk instead of drive you’re choosing active transport that helps your health, environment, and moo
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